Baneful Herbs

Welcome to Ambrosia's Garden of Baneful Herbs. I have given information of a few of the most poisonous of the magickal herbs. This is the Dark Side of Nature. These plants are dangerous, not only on the physical mundane level, but also on the magickal levels. Their energy is different, sometimes a little faster acting, a little sharper and perhaps harder hitting than the nonpoisonous herbs. They are also trickier to work careful.

Tis very important that you read THIS before working with these herbs.

DISCLAIMER. Yep, gotta have one. And here it is. This information has been given for entertainment only, we caution against the use of these herbs in any manner, and we are not responsible for how the herbs are used by anyone reading this information.

Now on to the herbs;

Wolfsbane, Aconite Henbane
Foxglove, Digitalis High John the Conqueror
Tonka Lily of the Valley
Blood Root Yew
Mistletoe Poison Hemlock
Mandrake Datura, Jimsonweed
Hellebore Nightshade, Belladonna

Bibliography and Where to Buy.

For more information on magickal herbs, see my Enchanted Gardens at Ambrosia.
